Lead Retrieval Application
We provide multiple levels of solutions for varying types of exhibitors and sponsors to capture attendee information in real time. From smartphone apps to portable devices, the TPNI family of lead retrieval solutions includes the right device for every type of exhibitor.
Value Proposition:
- The Smart Phone application utilizes QR codes on the badge and can be installed on your exhibitors’ mobile devices.
- Point and scan.
- Custom questions and lead qualification.
- Real-time access (nothing to download).
- Don’t have a smart phone? Not a problem; we have that, too!
- The Scan-N-Go is our most popular portable lead retrieval system.
- Portable device – can scan from anywhere (booth, reception, etc.).
- Simply point and click.
- Can scan through badge holders.
- Can be downloaded at any time for instant access.
Lead Retrieval is usually a headache, but the percentage of use was through the roof because it was so easy... just download the app, set up your account, and you’re done. Barcode scanning works right on the phone, and you walk away with your leads. And there were ZERO questions or problems! So unheard of.
TPNI Customer