As a marketer, my mind is always buzzing with big ideas and all the tiny details that differentiate a great idea from regular one…
…so when it comes to writing marketing emails, ChatGPT has been an essential assistant, helping me organize my thoughts and identify loopholes in my marketing messaging. Whether I need an extra perspective on an email I’ve written or making a stream-of-consciousness idea into a usable plan, ChatGPT is a fantastic tool in any marketer’s toolkit.
Here’s a few tips and tricks that I’ve learned that may help you!
Be Specific: Provide clear context and ask concise questions to gather precise information.
When I first started using ChatGPT, I began by asking it to prompt me with questions that would help it generate comprehensive emails on any given topic. Eventually, I learned that introducing a topic with context, purpose, and desired outcomes provided ChatGPT with an outline to work with. I then filled in the blanks by including all the information on the target market, the product or service being written about, key messaging points, and any specific guidelines or requirements (like word limits or voice).
Focus on Objectives: Frame questions around your marketing goals and how ChatGPT can help achieve them.
I always tell ChatGPT the desired end goal of the email we’re workshopping. For example, if I’m inviting readers to schedule a demo or download marketing material, I want the flow of the email to naturally lead my target market to my desired call to action. ChatGPT can help restructure an email to do this and gives new ideas for how to invite readers to take the next step.
Get Extra Insight: Ask about specific techniques, strategies, or experiences related to customizing and training ChatGPT for marketing emails.
When looking to implement well-researched strategies or best practices into an email, I initiate the conversation with ChatGPT by asking for information such as, “What are the best practices for a marketing campaign on the topic of [fill in the blank]?” Once ChatGPT gives me useful data or research, I will ask it to take the information provided and apply it to the topic of the email.
Challenge Your Drafts: Evaluate the completeness of ChatGPT’s emails and ask it to proofread itself.
My ultimate goal is clarity and understanding in marketing copy. If I find myself staring at an email, tweaking adjectives for too long, ChatGPT can provide new insights into how a reader might interpret my messaging or identify issues that my email presents without providing a solution. ChatGPT is more than willing to help find unaddressed issues, and I can add in more information to answer the questions it raises and create a more bulletproof email.
Revise, Revise, Revise: Use ChatGPT’s limitless responses to your advantage by tweaking messaging until you’re satisfied.
Among its many features, I benefit most from ChatGPT’s repeat answer button. Oftentimes, I like one sentence it will generate but not another, so I ask it to revise, simplify, or provide new information, helping to develop context or achieve my end goal. Oftentimes, it takes me a little bit to perfect the marketing email of my dreams, but ChatGPT still cuts down the overall time I’d spend nitpicking my own writing.
ChatGPT is not creative and is no replacement for originality or personality, but it is a wonderful asset for improving the effectiveness of your email marketing. If you have any tips or tricks to share on how you use ChatGPT for your marketing efforts, I’d love to hear them!