How Does CRM Integration Help Event Planners?: Part Two

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January 24, 2024

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Event Planning, Part Two

Each week, we delve into the realm of artificial intelligence, posing one burning question to three prominent AI programs about the dynamic event industry and having our in-house experts at TPNI evaluate their responses.  
We’ve asked three prominent AI programs—ChatGPT by Open AI, Bard from Google, and Bing’s Co-Pilot—our question for this week: 
Earlier this week, we asked ChatGPT (check out its answer in Part One!). Today, we asked Bing’s Co-Pilot. Here’s what it said:

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) integration can significantly assist event planners in various ways:

  1. Centralized Data Management: CRM integration allows event planners to centralize all their customer and attendee data in one place, including contact information, preferences, and communication history.
  2. Improved Communication: By integrating CRM with communication tools, event planners can send targeted and personalized messages to attendees, enhancing relationships with attendees before, during, and after the event.
  3. Registration and Ticketing: CRM integration with event registration and ticketing systems automates the process of capturing attendee information, leading to a smoother registration experience for attendees.
  4. Segmentation and Targeting: CRM systems enable event planners to segment their audience based on various criteria such as location, industry, or previous attendance. This segmentation helps in targeted marketing efforts.
  5. Lead Management: For events that serve as a marketing tool, CRM integration helps in managing leads generated during the event.
  6. Post-Event Analysis: After the event, CRM integration allows event planners to analyze attendee data and gather insights.
  7. Workflow Automation: CRM integration can automate various workflow processes, saving time and reducing the likelihood of errors.
  8. Collaboration and Team Coordination: Integrating CRM with collaboration tools enhances coordination among event planning teams.

In addition to these, CRM integration into event management can be a major boon to productivity and accuracy. Automated processes like email campaigns, task-assigning, and appointment scheduling can save time and money. Data management tools provide quick access to registration info, payment eligibility, and personal preferences.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make the most out of your event, reach out to us at for a customized consultation.

Come back for Part Three, where we’ll be sharing what Bard from Google had to say in response to this week’s question.